Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Broken Bones

Spiral Fracture- most common in sports injury

Compound Fracture- A fracture in which the bone is crushed; common in the vertebral column

Greenstick Fracture- A break common in children; bone splinters, but break is incomplete

Comminuted Fracture- Often seen in the brittle bones of the elderly

Simple Fracture- Also called a closed fracture

Depressed Fracture- A common type of skull fracture

Open Reduction- Surgical realignment of broken bone ends

Closed Reduction- Nonsurgical realignment of broken bone ends and splinting of bone
Nondisplaced Fracture- Bone ends retaining their normal position

Linear Fracture- Epiphysis separates from diaphysis along epiphyseal line;
occurs where cartilage cells are dying

Compression Fracture- A fracture in which the bone is crushed; common in the vertebral column

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